Special questions to my UK friends
2001-10-12 7:51 a.m.

Special questions for any of my friends in the UK:

What is the difference between a snog and a shag? Is snogging just kissing and shagging is going all the way?

Who is Jeremy Beadle and why does everyone hate him?

What on earth is a curley whirley?

What is a pole cat?

What is a gob? Is that mouth? Shut your gob?

I've had these questions building up since I've started watching more British comedies on BBC America.

Kung fu last night was fun. We basically spent the whole time working on a single take down: attacker comes at you with a right round house punch. You block with the left forearm, grab and pull their upper down towards you while simultaneously grabbing the back of their neck with your right hand so from there it's basically a spin down. You use the attackers own momentum to spin them out of the way. If you're really good you can get them to the ground while still holding their arm and do an arm bar.

*go ahead, try it on one of your friends or co-workers. I'll wait*

Lots of fun and interesting to try it on people of different sizes. With me being only 5'2", I got to test it out on people close to my own height and people a foot taller than me. Got very dizzy from all the spinning.

I Pulled a very strange muscle on the right thigh/hip area. I iced it up last night and this morning the other side hurts!

What I need to market is a full body ice suit. It will look like a car mechanic jump suit only silver with little pockets of gel. You keep it rolled up in the freezer and just put it on and zip it up for half an hour after a work out. Then take a hot bath.

My rockstar boyfriend is Kurt Cobain. I guess that would make me a necrophiliac and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean yeah, I was a big fan of Nirvana but this is just creepy. I stole this from Vritri's site.

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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