Say it, don't spray it:

Judith - 2006-04-19 01:50:22
When I finished my NaNo novel I really missed my characters. I think I still do though I haven't the heart to go back and edit and expand on the novella. Knock,knock.

hissandtell - 2006-04-19 02:36:08
I read recently that, to alleviate Marie Antoinette's boredom of incarceration while she was sitting around waiting to be guillotined, the crazed mob waved the dismembered genitalia of her dear friend the Princess de Lamballe on a stick in front of Marie's cell window. Funny how I thought I thought I'd "done" that period of French history, yet I'd obviously somehow missed that crucial bit. (I'd also obviously missed the "Excusemfuckmoi?" bit - equally crucial - so thank you so much, darling!) Love, R xxx

Tenshi - 2006-04-20 21:58:52
Could be worse. It could have been more tittie-induced invitations. I hate those, they really degrade MySpace. "Hey, nice boobs, wanna talk?" I'm sure you wanna talk, buddy... Excusemfuckmoi?

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