Say it, don't spray it:

witty - 2006-04-04 22:03:41
You've inspired me kungfu....I had to look up my state things. And although I'm not as hip as you with your state SQUARE dance, we do have an official state MUFFIN here in NY! Ha! Now I'll have some trivia that'll help me reap benefits beyond my wildest dreams. "Hey dude, do you know what our state muffin is?"

dom - 2006-04-05 00:10:34
wow, an actual beaver? that's better than the badger on our flag! (WI) but that state motto is beautiful. i like it. you should use it.

hehe - 2006-04-05 01:21:53
You Americans make my day. :D

Josh Millard - 2006-04-05 11:03:18
Let me tell you -- nothing invites friendship and commaraderie for a college freshman like the announcment that he hails from THE BEAVER STATE.

Athena - 2006-04-05 16:26:14
Really? The beaver? I don't know why, but knowing that makes me feel sexy.

glockgirl - 2006-04-05 22:26:44
Apparently Georgia does not have a Latin state motto, but if it did, I imagine it would be something like "donobody fukwitus." The state beverage is "swayte taye" (sweet tea for you yankees...wait a minutes, I'm a yankee.) The state firearm is the Glock 17, but some still claim the Winchester Model 70 Classic, Super Grade III Deer rifle. The state song is "Hair of the Dog" by Nazareth. God bless America.

jfsuperstar - 2006-04-06 02:18:12
hey kitten, for some reason, i thought you were from seattle. maybe that's another buddy from the buddy list. anyway, for shits n' giggles, vinnie and i went to and 5 out of 10 of our 'peak' spots were in oregon! i've never even fucking been there. for now, i'm content to live in one of the 3 blue spots in the hoosier state. i'm totally that your state has a beaver on the flag. you did say flag, right?

protoplast - 2006-04-08 18:51:59
Wisconsin doesn't have one, but I laughed very loudly at Wyoming's! Cedant arma togae : Let arms yield to the toga .... I did however like South Carolina's: Dum spiro spero : While I breathe, I hope

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