Say it, don't spray it:

LeeboZeebo - 2005-09-08 23:58:21
I received your shirt in the mail today, Syd. I like it lots, although I think I see now where some of the complaints about Cafe Press stem from - I've got a very sneaking suspicion that this shirt is going to become a shell of its former self after a mere three or four washings, which is a bummer. Reading that might make you angry, either because I have dissed your merchandise or because you now realize that your distributor is handing out shoddy merchandise, but that is totally okay because I have a fool-proof plan that my friends told me about that supposedly calms down all ladies in distress. Here, let me try it out. I...I love you, Sydney. Do you feel less distressed now? I added an ellipsis for realism and potential extra swoonings. I'll take pictures of me in the shirt just as soon as I have made it suitably worn - right now it has "new shirt syndrome" and is like wearing a piece of cardboard.

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