Say it, don't spray it:

LeeboZeebo - 2005-03-31 18:17:36
Why, with perky breasts, Mr. Right is RIGHT...around the corner! And he's a millionaire! But he hates anything that has to do with vampires. But he's romantic! But he also thinks Kung Fu is lame. Ha ha, I love this game.

Magpie - 2005-03-31 19:57:59
Honey, I didn't meet my DH until I was 28. It's the only relationship I've been able to maintain for more than 8 consecutive months (yes, that includes you-know-whom). We've been married now for over 12 years. So don't despair. Be confident. Nothing so sexy as confidence. While it's nice to feel needed, it's not so nice to feel N-E-E-E-E-E-E-D-E-D.

Marn, eh - 2005-03-31 22:53:21
Worry not. Two women I adore--my niece and my trainer--both found Twue Lub in their early 30's.

Sandyz - 2005-04-01 08:42:58
This was a supper cute entry. Loved it. Your diary is interesting...funny too. Sandy

Katherine - 2005-04-02 13:51:02
Not that you asked, but--if you think finding a husband is hard, you should try living with one. Before she married, I informed my dear friend, "Even at its best, marriage pretty much sucks." She was all "I'm-40-I-know-everything-I'll-be-different-I'm-the-exception-blah-blah" and she didn't listen. Now, whenever she repeats my admonishment in a group she can distinguish the marrieds from the singles by their knowing laughs. So my ever unsolicited advice boils down to, a. definitely hold out for Mr. Darcy, and b. even he may suck to a surprising degree. Congrats on the positive EPT and happy April Fools.

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