Say it, don't spray it:

LaurelAnn - 2005-03-16 16:15:57
I saw that, too!! My first thought was the fact that she is going to hemmorhage is not very appetizing...and since they are selling food?? I've hated all the Carl's Jr. commercials...they are all gross.

adela - 2005-03-16 16:48:23
All the Carl's Jr. commercials are offensive. This last one is just stupid.

saru-san - 2005-03-16 17:44:31
The problem is that nobody thinks anymore, and least of all these damned clowns in advertising.

Or maybe the bigger problem is that they know exactly what they're saying... and it has become acceptable.

I haven't seen the ad, but it reminds me of the ads the Spike TV used to run for CSI, where they said, "If you're looking for cool chicks (cut to image of a woman on a slab in the morgue) who look good in red (cut to image of a blood-spattered woman's corpse), and are all zipped up (cut to image of a woman in a body bag), skip the velvet rope and head for the yellow tape..."

This is not even subtly offensive. It's blatant. What the hell is wrong with everybody?

peterdope - 2005-03-16 22:00:59
I hate commercials and their ploys for me to pay attention and consume their products. I agree this one is just insulting.

cingi - 2005-03-16 22:48:03
I don't even like their food, now I really don't like them either. Vacation is booked ready or not here I come.

LeeboZeebo - 2005-03-16 23:32:24
I've never seen or heard of this commercial, but it sounds like you're launching a pretty textbook deconstructionist/feminist argument against it. That has nothing to do with anything. I just like to point these things out. If you'd like, I can find Mr. Carl Jr. himself and hold him down while you dragon kick him in the testicles repeatedly. See, now there's a comedy goldmine that needs to be exploited.

kungfukitten - 2005-03-16 23:58:09
Oh yeah, this is the old school evil patriarchy argument, but it just fit so damn well. I can't believe you haven't seen this commercial, I see it six times a night. Thank the goddess for Tivo and the fast forward button!

Mr. Carl Jr. needs to have his placenta ripped out.

jubjub - 2005-03-18 00:31:06
Remember the hefner ad for them. Added Hefner, "I have never been one for doing commercials, but this seemed like a good business opportunity since we share a similar target audience -- namely guys

jubjub - 2005-03-18 00:31:12
Remember the hefner ad for them. Added Hefner, "I have never been one for doing commercials, but this seemed like a good business opportunity since we share a similar target audience -- namely guys

jubjub - 2005-03-18 00:31:12
Remember the hefner ad for them. Added Hefner, "I have never been one for doing commercials, but this seemed like a good business opportunity since we share a similar target audience -- namely guys

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