Say it, don't spray it:

Kungfukitten - 2004-09-27 12:46:05
Oh, I remember another one. Our slogan was Yahoo! and I said "Because some guy in South Caroline already registered the domain name for Yee-haw!"

rebecca - 2004-09-27 13:16:35
You did a great job. The Britney Spears bit was one of the funniest in the whole show. I thought your interview bit was funny, too.

Sky Schemer - 2004-09-27 13:17:48
I am happy to hear that the show went so well. Congrats to your on your debut performance!

jfsuperstar - 2004-09-28 09:45:42
mmmmm. ranch dressing!

Jerry - 2004-09-28 18:15:23
mmmmm...ESB...I totally am inspired to do the improv thing. I have to say, reading your entries about improv have done much of the inspiring. Congratulations on a show well done.

Ruben - 2004-09-30 15:05:54
Wow. Now you're definitely my hero.

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