Unsolicited Advice
2002-03-28 8:14 a.m.

My knee is aching this morning. Kung fu last night was a mish mash of different things, we started with some strength training, moved on to forms then I got to play push hands with a couple upper belts. Whoever lost had to do two knuckle push-ups. Needless to say, I did a lot of push-ups.

The inner slacker is dying to come out and play. I don't want to work at all today. I want to clean out my cubicle and get rid of years of office clutter. I have so much weird crap I've collected.

You guys are so freaking funny. Here's my personalized medical advice. Ms. M, you only need piano insurance if you find yourself frequently appearing in cartoons, in which case you may also want to purchase an anvil rider as well. Rampy, if you BYON (bring your own needles) and use condoms then you should have a long and healthy career, personally I have always considered myself a diet coke whore. Camomile, if you quit going to raves and picking up strange men at dunkin donuts at 4:00am you should be fine.

I found this at Ikeaman's site. I'm gonzo, go figure.

You are Gonzo!
You're a bit loopy, and many people have trouble figuring out exactly what you're supposed to be. You take pride in your eccentricity and originality.

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