Was it a sheep?
2001-11-01 11:58 a.m.

My internet access is back:

Our servers at work were infected with the Nimba E virus so internet access has been down. I feel completely helpless without internet access. How am I suppose to know what's going on in the world if I can't visit CNN.com and how can I get through the morning without checking my online mail accounts. It's like one of those horrible dreams where you go to school naked.

Every year my company has us fill out a form full of silly personal information so whenever we reach an anniversary the HR department can type up a heartfelt letter and forge the CEO's signature on it for a personal touch. The first year I filled it out I was very truthful and admittedly excited when I got my 2 year anniversary letter from the CEO and he wished me good luck on my master's degree. Since then I've gotten more and more shifty and have written down weirder and weirder things in grand hopes of getting a bizarre letter signed by the CEO.

Here are some of my professional accomplishments:

Founding member of the Portland Wine Society. This is true. However, what they don't know is that Portland Wine Society was started by two girls would would drink a bottle or two of cheap wine and watch Star Trek Next Generation reruns. If we weren't too drunk we're write down pretentious things in a little leather book. "It's a naughty little wine with a floral bouquet and a acidic finish reminiscent of wet wool and cinnamon."

Novelist: Just because I'm not published doesn't mean I'm not a novelist.

Medieval Latin Scholar: I have some Latin flashcards that I read on the bus and I've made my way through "Winnie Ille Puh"

Medieval Manuscript translator: I've read Chaucer AND Beowulf.

Webdesigner: I know HTML (/lie) and have a cheesy self-promotion website.

We had about 20 or so trick or treaters last night. The cutest was a sheep or maybe they were dressed as a large cotton ball, it was kind of hard to tell, and a small green dragon/dinosaur. I saw lots of kids dressed in black robes with a big hood and a black veil that hid their face. They could see out of the hood but we couldn't see in. Kind of eerie, sort of a grim reaperish type thing. Lots of the girls were dressed as glamour sluts, I wasn't quite sure what look they were going for. A few of the local teenagers showed up without a costume and a pillowcase. Were they trick or treating or going to rob me? I gave them candy and they left so I guess that was a good sign.

I have written the outline and some character sketches for my novel. I am already having panic attacks.

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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