Sexy cats, air guitar and kung fu
2001-11-06 8:02 a.m.

At work they just changed the lights in the ladies bathroom to a bunch of flourescent 1,000 watt bulbs. If I'm in there for longer than a couple of minutes I get a tan, that's how bright it is. The last thing a girl wants to see when she's PMSing is her complexion under extremely bright lights. I'd prefer candle lights or maybe some small torches mounted on the walls. My gawd. You can see every pore and all the little veins under my skin. And that's with a thick layer of Bobbie Brown spackle on! *bangs head against computer screen* Sometimes it sucks being a girl.

Enough bitching. I studied my kung fu book last night and have come up with a handy list of things I need to drill so I look fabulous during my belt test. It's not as scarey as I thought it would be. Theres only a handful of things that I suck at and I have time to drill those to perfection.

The cats are struttin around all sexy this morning because they got combed and their nails clipped last night. They are super soft and I totally believe in the benefits of expensive cat food. We are officially and Iams household. I told Simon he had to feed his dog Iams when we get him. He wanted to go with a cheaper variety and I said "Not in my house, dammit." Plus how do you think the dog would feel with the cats getting premium cat food and strutting around a sexy like and he's stuck with a bowl full of crunch alpo bits? Not on my watch.

I had a bit of a migraine last night so I wrapped up in a quilt, popped a couple of my big guns pain killers and giggled gleefully at "Are You Being Served" reruns on BBC America. Simon went to get beat up at his gym last night so it was nice to have the house to myself for a couple of hours.

Cohabitating isn't bad. I'm wearing more clothes than I usually do. When I lived alone it didn't matter if I stripped down to an old t-shirt when I got home from work. Now I've got a whole wardrobe of lounge wear. I don't think Simon would care if I walked around half naked but I need to keep a little mystery in this relationship.

NaNoWriMo word count 6,056. I just joined the NaNoWriMo diary ring.

Silly click of the day. Watch the winning performance of the 6th annual air guitar championship. I stole this from PartyJesus.

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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