Wedding coup.
2003-08-10 8:29 p.m.

Woke up early this morning, drank some week coffee at the Ramada Inn and hit the road home to Portland. After sleeping on a couch and in a musty hotel room I�m thrilled with the concept of sleeping in my own bed tonight.

Chris and Keri�s wedding was the most beautiful wedding I�ve attended. It was authentic and true to both their spirits. It rained Saturday morning but cleared up for beautiful weather for the outdoor ceremony. I came stag but had two gorgeous dates for the night. I rekindled old friendships and talked with people who I hadn�t seen in years and had a lovely time.

Dinner was served out of doors with assigned seatings. I was at table 9 which we dubbed the "kid�s table" as we seemed a little apart from the rest of the group. We also were the rowdiest of the attendees. After dinner we staged a coup and took over table eight, our goal was to keep taking over tables until we gained control of the wedding party table but got a bit distracted by the open bar and ended up telling tall tales until dark. A fun time was had by all.

*Sigh* I miss my gang of rebellious boys. In Portland I have my small posse of outrageous single girls but I miss my boys. Hopefully it won�t be another seven years until I see them again.

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On the road and tattoo picture.
2003-08-09 9:43 a.m.

I'm coming to you live from Tacoma, Washington on my parent's tangerine iMac. I just tried to upload some pictures but I'm having problem figuring out the flash reader. But I did manage to upload a picture of my tattoo here. You can see that it's still a little red around the edges but seems to be healing up nicely.

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Blood and ink.
2003-08-07 8:40 a.m.

The tattooing went well. Tigerlily has a really good vibe and the tattoo guys are a fun group of people. We listened to Depeche Mode and Oingo Boingo as needles drove black ink into my back. It hurt a lot more than I expected but I did not figit, swear or freak out. The excitement for the evening was seeing if a crack addicted stripper would come in and finally pay up her bill. Apparantly she got an elaborate tattoo then suddenly realized she had no cash. They called the police on her and there was quite a stir. She called and was promising to bring in some cash (not all of it) one of the guys gave her a nice long lecture about respect. We were all snickering in the background. She never did show. Took off the bandages this morning, lots of gross blood, ink and oozing fluids. Today my back just feels like it's on fire and the skin is too tight. The dragon is beautiful, Matthew did a great job of designing my vision. I'll get Simon to take a picture later and post it so you can see.


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Iguana be sedated part two.
2003-08-06 11:55 a.m.

Since people seem to be worried, the doctor thought I was just having bad stress reaction. Headache, stomach and chest were all very tight and were not relaxing, hence the magical pills. I'll probably be all right in a couple of weeks. This last year has been hard as Simon has been unemployed and in and out of the hospital. I think my body finally broke down and said "enough is enough!" On the plus side, the pharmacist last night gave me some kitten stickers. If that doesn't make me feel better than nothing will. Another plus, I'm getting my tattoo tonight!

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I did not have a heart attack.
2003-08-06 10:40 a.m.

I finally gave in and went to the doctor last night. I haven't been able to eat much for the last week, dropped a bunch of weight, headaches, nauseaus and have been having chest pains. As my doctor has been gone for a few weeks (I think she ran off and had a baby without consulting me first) I had to go to the urgent care clinic. When you mention the words "chest pain" at the urgent care clinic the doctors tend to freak out. I told them it wasn't cardiac related but they still rapidly whisked me off to get an EKG. Of course it was normal. As I hadn't been eating much they did orthostatic blood pressure testing which means they take my blood pressure lying down, sitting and standing and see if my heart rate goes nuts. It didn't. Then I finally got to see the doctor, who was young, male and very good looking. It's not easy to flirt when you're hyperventilating and feeling nauseaous but I gave it a good try. The doctor poked and prodded me then asked "so have you ever had valium?" Images of blissful fifties housewives vacuuming while sipping martinis floated through my head. So I got sent home with a bunch of pills. I still feel like crap.

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Writing, roadtrip and profile.
2003-08-05 9:44 a.m.

I decided that I'm going to try coming into work a little early each day and working on my novel. I'm tired of working for the man and spending 80% of my time in a cubicle. I need to follow my calling and start publishing. Then I can work on my laptop from coffeehouses, parks, mountaintops and my backyard. How lovely would that be?

I'm getting ready for a Washington State roadtrip. Simon is staying home with the cats and I'm hitting the open road. I'm making my mother take me to Ikea (can't fit anything in my miata) then I'm going to a wedding in Olympia. In the mean time I've got lots of things to do like get my official summer of 2003 wedding dress dry cleaned (see picture below), get a tattoo, buy the wedding gift, go to jiffy lube, wash the car and hit two kung fu classes. All within three days.

I've updated my diaryland profile and even included a new picture. See what a nice haircut can do for a girl? I'm going to be updating my favorite diaries as many of them have been discontinued. Who do you read everyday? Who cracks you up? Any recommendations?

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My hairdresser and a wedding pic.
2003-08-04 11:59 a.m.

I went to get my hair done on Friday and found out that my hairdresser is part of Portland Organic Wrestling. She's the one on the left. What a hoot. Here's a picture of Simon and I from the summer solstice wedding. I wanted it in color but I screwed up my order when I was playing on the website and got it in sepia instead.

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