2002-01-23 8:28 a.m.

Here are my predictions for 2002:

Mike Tyson will kill someone.

Madonna will get pregnant, yet again.

Robert Downy Jr. will overdose and die.

Monica Lewinsky will pose naked for a magazine (probably a French or British publication).

The USA will blow up Iraq (what, again?) and Somalia.

Mullets will come back in style.

Elvis will be spotted in Afghanistan.

Kung fu class last night was fun but I was disappointed to find out that my partner in crime, Marta, has moved away. She was the only girl at the school who was at my level and of my relative size. Now I have to fight big sweaty guys who know more than me. Luckily there seems to be a nice crop of beginner students moving up so eventually I'll end up somewhere in the middle. We primarily worked on low stances and throwing punches with the shoulders relaxed. I have a very hard time with that as my shoulders hold a lot of tension and usually creep up around my ears.

Public radio last night was interviewing someone talking about single life and the strange routines single people get into. I started thinking about my routines and what has changed since I started living with Simon as I spent ten years living alone before we hooked up. I wear more clothes around the house now, during the winter it was pretty much big t-shirts and maybe socks, during summer it was tank tops and panties. Now I have a whole array of stretchy blank pants and gray lounging wear. I also can't dip my chips directly into the sour cream container anymore. I also quit doing my Madonna therapy: put on a Madonna CD and dance around the house singing at the top of my lungs. I used to drink wine and sing Italian arias in the bathtub.

Will the annoying quizzes ever stop? No.

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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