I could have been a nun
2001-11-14 8:12 a.m.

I was told that I made some nuns laugh yesterday. I shared my cat story with some NaNoWriMo Oregon friends and one of them works in a convent, she was giggling as she read the mail and read it out loud to the nuns in the office. I'm glad I didn't write anything offensive in the e-mail. *wipes forehead with hankerchief* you don't want to piss off a nun.

In high school we had to take a long standardized test that would tell us what profession we should go into once we graduated. My test said I should be 1. A Nun or 2. Interior Designer. How bizarre is that? Maybe I should just decorate convents? Of course being in high school I wanted to be told that I should be 1. A Writer or 2. Actress so needless to say I was a bit disappointment.

I've seen a lot of those funky scarves that are suppose to look like a feather boa. They're made with that fuzzy velour type material with lots of strings wound together to give it a feathery appearance. I can't decide if I like the look or not. On one hand it's fairly glamorous and theatrical looking, on the other hand most people who wear it end up looking like a hung-over drag queen.

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