How the leopard lost her spots.
2005-11-16 2:41 p.m.

I went in for yet another doctor's visit this morning. Today I saw the dermatology doctor. He thought my leg spots were very interesting and we decided to cut one off and send it to the lab. I thought this would involve scheduling another office visit but no, the dermatology department has it going on. Not a moment after I agreed to said spot removal, I was pushed down on the table, a nurse appeared out of nowhere with a surgical tray and after some snapping of gloves and the donning of face masks there was a needle poking into the top of my foot. Ouch. Poke. Poke. Ouch. Ouch. Soon my foot was numb and they were able cut out a 4mm bit of tissue and stitched me up. I was then given some steroid cream and told to go home. Ta da.

It's been decided that I won't go on oral steroids right now. We're going to watch me and see if I get better, deteriorate or stay the same. My biggest problem right now is the fatigue and joint pain. Which reminds me, it's time for my afternoon nap. Zzzzzz.

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