Flashy knickers.
2004-06-02 9:59 a.m.

I ordered some make up online from Blissworld and now I�m receiving every make up, clothing and accessory catalog known to mankind. Yesterday I was surprised to find a Frederick�s of Hollywood catalog in my mailbox. I was even more surprised to find over $200 in merchandise that I absolutely can�t live without. None of it is underwear either and you know what a sucker I am for flashy knickers. A couple of sexy dresses, a bathing suit and a couple of corset tops. Very meow.

Went to see my doc yesterday. She said I can start working out next week although I�m suppose to stop if I hear something snap and feel excruciating pain. Good to know. Good to know.

3 People have tried to sell me Viagra
Twenty years ago and back again.
2004-06-01 9:40 a.m.

Only a handful of things have remained constant in my life. Boys come and go. Friends move and fall out touch. Hair gets longer, changes color then gets chopped off again. Old hobbies are abandoned for new ones. But there are three things about me that have remained utterly consistent.

Number one � I am always writing a novel. I have stacks of unfinished and completed manuscripts. There�s always some sort of narrative going on in the back of my head.

Number two � My propensity for black clothing. I used to have a bunch of black clothing that I called my unsexy librarian look for work. This year it has incorporated more black leather and higher heels and has morphed into my librarian assassin look. What the hell does my boss care, I don�t work with the public and sometimes it�s good being feared in meetings.

Number three � My love affair with The Damned. Ever since I first heard New Rose in 1983 I�ve been in love. This love affair continues today, with proof being I bought two more Damned CDs to fill out my collection this weekend.

Number four � I�m still a die hard romantic with unrealistic idea of what love should be like. I still believe that true love can occur with a single glance across a crowded room. I blame myself for reading too many Jane Austen novels in my formative years.

Here�s a picture of me from 1984. I loved those white shoes and wore them until the soles came off.

4 People have tried to sell me Viagra
Infamy has struck KFK central.
2004-05-31 2:57 p.m.

Things are exciting here at Kungfukitten Central and I don't just mean the Law and Order marathon on TNT! It appears that my blog has been featured in the July issue of Portland Monthly. I scanned in a copy of the article. You know what they say, any advertising is good advertising. I only have one beef with them. I'M NOT THIRTY SIX! I'm desperately holding onto 35 until 12:01am July 11th. I guess I should be thankful they chose some of my funnier writing rather than my angsty whinings about men and injuries. Mad props to Samuraipanda for pointing out the article to me. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to sign some autographs.

4 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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