Happy vernal equinox.
2003-03-20 3:06 p.m.

Homer is sleeping in bed, listening to a tape.

Tape: "Haruspicy -- predicting the future through the study of animal entrails."

Lisa: "Dad! Dad! Do you know what today is?"

Homer: "The Vernal equinox?"

Happy Vernal Equinox. Today is the first official day of spring. (Take that you nasty groundhog!) Today there will be equal amounts of sunlight and darkness. From now on we'll have increasing amount of sunlight.

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All war all the time.
2003-03-20 9:27 a.m.

I am not going to listen to public radio coverage of the war all day. I will not have my computer browser open to CNN.com all day long. I will not watch CNN when I get home from work tonight.

Oh, who am I kidding.

There's a big peace rally downtwon today at 4:00. My goal is to be out of downtown and far away by 3:00. My spidy sense is telling me that a riot will most likely break out...or the cops are gonna freak and someone will get hurt.

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2003-03-19 11:11 a.m.

When I went into kung fu class last night I found my name was on the testing list! On April 5th I'll be testing for my purple sash. That means I have 17 days to perfect: 9 punches, 14 kicks, 11 blocks, 5 grab counters, 4 kicking combinations, 3 hand combinations, 10 stances and 2 forms. I also need to be able to spar without looking like an idiot. That's no small feat.

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Trinity's late night adventure.
2003-03-18 9:39 a.m.

My cats are pretty much indoor kitties. They go out in the back yard under the supervision of Simon and I when we're gardening or doing stuff in the yard. We have a really nice six foot tall cedar fence that they're pretty good about staying in. It's a really big yard with trees to climb and lots of plants to hide in. It was about nine o'clock last night and I was making the bed. Normally making the bed is an exciting time for the cats. They dive under the sheets and try to attack my hands as I tuck the blankets in. Loki came in to play but no Trinity. I looked all over the house. No Trinity. I shook the treat jar and called. Still, no Trinity. I finally accused Simon of letting her out when he went out for a cigarette. He claimed innocence and stated that he would have noticed if she ran outside. He went out for another smoke and came back in five minutes later clutching a muddy, wide eyed, puffy-tailed Trinity. She had mud half way up each leg and was very excited to be outside at night. I washed off her little legs and told Simon there was a new rule in the house. After each cigarette break he has to do a cat count!

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Happy Birthday Simon & Happy f-ing St. Paddy's
2003-03-17 11:04 a.m.

Simon's birthday was on Sunday but he was too sick to enjoy it. He canceled all of his plans with his friends on Saturday and went to bed by 7:00pm. I stayed in and watched the second season of Jeeves and Wooster on DVD. Yesterday I got him out of bed and took him to Dosha for his birthday facial and since I was driving I had an hour long massage. It was really nice and relaxing, however I got a screaming migraine last night that lasted until 4:00am! I now feel horribly nauseous and still in pain. On top of that my nose is still running and my sinuses hurt. I'm functioning on two hours of sleep and a lot of medication. Most of my team left work at 11:00am for an "irish lunch" which means they're going down to Kells or Paddy's for a few pints of beer. I'm horribly jealous that I'm too ill to go with them. I think I'll finish up what I can here and head back home. I need my bed and my kitties.

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