If you really loved me you'd squeeze my head off
2002-01-11 8:45 a.m.

If you want to feel really close to someone try getting all sweaty and stuff your head in their armpit as they try to squeeze your head off. I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about kung fu. Last night we drilled our wrestling basics. Lots of headlocks, leg locks, chokes, holds and then we practiced counters to all of them. I didn't think I would but I love wrestling. It's fun trying the same moves on people of different sizes. Luckily there were some smaller people in class last night as well as two other women, although I only got partnered with one chick for a short period of time.

Inventory of new bruises: both knees, left shin, upper arms and a small circle on the small of my back. I didn't have my contacts in this morning and kept trying to wipe off the black mark on my back until I realized it hurt and was actually a bruise. Duh.

I went on a tour of the company's gym yesterday. It's a nice little gym with some cool equipment. Really all I'm interested in is somewhere to lift weights and run twice a week. The gym in my building closed down due to money concerns in September. I was very disappointed because it was so nice just to take off for an hour and go in the basement and work out. Plus no one was ever in there, it was like my own personal gym (no wonder it closed down). Well my company owns the space and is expanding their gym program so there will be a gym in each building! Hurrah! So I'll only have to schlep across two blocks for a month before they open the other gym downstairs. And the best part is: It costs $24 a year. Yes, a year. What a deal. Hell, I'd pay $24 a year to work out in a closet with one dumbell.

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0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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