punk, transvestite or goth?
2001-10-22 9:12 a.m.

Simon is home ill today so I had to ride the bus alone. Some guy gets on the bus and is sitting next to me. I can see him staring at my through my perephial vision but I continue to read and pretend I don't notice him. I'm wondering if he's going to mug me, ask about my book or hit on me. He pokes me in the arm and asks me if his lipstick is on straight.

I look up, because it's not every day that some guy asks me about his lipstick and I see it's a young man dressed in a black and flourescent green tiger striped outfit with a lip ring and black lipstick. I'm staring at him for a bit because I'm marvelling how he could put on lipstick while wearing a lip ring. I imagine that would be difficult. He starts panicking, thinking he's done it wrong because I'm taking so long to reply and staring at his mouth. He's starting to sweat so I snap out of my reverie and reassure him that he did a nice job and stayed within the lines.

He wasn't a transvestite, the black lipstick would normally make me think goth but goths usually don't wear fourescent green and he was too clean and tidy to be a punk. He didn't look or sound gay (not that you can always tell) and I found myself perplexed for the rest of the morning that I couldn't categorize this guy. Just what the heck was he? What should I call him? Who in their right mind wears flourescent green and black lipstick and rides the bus at 6:45 in the morning?

Then the PC side of my persona woke up and said "Why does he have to be categorized? Why can't he just be a guy that wears lipstick and bright colors? He's not hurting anyone. And by categorizing him you're limiting him as a person." Then I felt guilty. Then I felt confused. Then I bought a cup of coffee and got a site meter for my diary.

I had a dream last night that my kung fu dojo was downtown in an office building. I was in the parking lot smoking with a couple other girls from the school. (which is kind of funny because I only smoke once in a blue moon) and we suddenly hear our sifu yelling for us to come inside. He was standing there with two young guys who wanted to "challenge the school" and we were suppose to line up in a monkey line* and see if we could beat these dudes up. He thought it would be good training and we could defend the honor of the school. I remember feeling really jacked and excited. I couldn't wait to get my hands on these guys.

The dream struck me as funny because I'm not a violent person and also nothing like that would ever happen at our school. We train hard but are always taught that fighting is a last resort.

*Monkey line: attackers line up single file and attack the attackee one at a time. The attackee tries to control the fight so people remain lined up. That way they never have to take on more than one opponant at a time.

1 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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