Fashion Rant
2001-12-20 8:44 a.m.

My coworker just e-mailed me a link about turning my cats into vegans. I'm a little skeptical, I'm fine with messing with my own diet but I don't know if cats were meant to be vegans. I mean I don't recall watching nature shows where cats are digging up potatoes in the wild. Then again, I feed my cats chicken and beef flavor cat food and I haven't seen them dragging a cow carcass into the back yard. I suppose if I were to stick to a true house cat diet they would be fed spiders, mice & sparrows. Why don't they sell that at PetCo?

I've been on fashion patrol around the workplace lately. It seems if you've been hired as a receptionish the dress code is to dress incredibly trendy and slutty as possible. I actually saw a chick on the elevator with a very low cut blouse and glitter in her cleavage! Not sparkle lotion but huge flakes of glitter stuffed between her boobs. WTF did she come straight from a rave to work?

[Fashion rant] I also saw a girl wearing lilac capris pants with a long sleeve black sweater AND she was wearing athletic socks and sandals. I nearly wrote her a citation on the spot. ~shakes head~ All I'm asking for is a little fashion common sense.

1. Athletic socks & sandals are NEVER ok.
2. Save the glitter for after 6:00pm. Sparkles you can probably get away with all the time.
3. Lime green eye shadow makes most people look jaundiced.
4. Save summer clothes for summer (capris, high waders, clam diggers) cause they look stupid with socks or tights.
5. Santa hats are just a bad idea all together.
6. If you think your skirt isn't too short turn away from the mirror, drop something and bend over to pick it up. Look behind you. If you can see your panties then it's too short. Save it for the nightclub.
7. If you think your shirt isn't too low cut, face the mirror drop something and bend over to pick it up. Look into the mirror, if you can see your belly button or the top of your pantyhose then your shirt it too low cut for work. Save it for the nightclub.
8. If you can't walk in high heels then don't wear them.
9. Linen & cubicles don't work (wrinkle city). Save it for summer events when you'll be standing a lot.
10. If it's ripped, old, shrunk, doesn't fit then get rid of it. [End fashion rant]

Dude, this British chick is auctioning herself off for marriage. She's cute but I don't know if she's worth 251,000GBP ($364,062.11).

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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