2003-05-22 8:46 a.m.

For some reason I have not been sleeping this week. I'll go to bed at 10:30 then I'll be awake until 12:30. Then I finally fall asleep until 3:00 then I'll be awake until the alarm rings. It's really annoying. I've even tried to take naps in the afternoon but I just can't freakin sleep. I'm trying to figure out why I've gone completely insomniac but am at a loss. Diet is stable, caffeine use is low and unchanged and I'm not overtraining. I've got lovely dark circles under my eyes and a throbbing headache. Ack. I'm glad that I'm taking tomorrow off and I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday. Maybe I'll get some sleep over the long weekend.

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Yoga jelly.
2003-05-20 2:49 p.m.

You would think that a yoga class would be relaxing and rejuvinating. Well, not mine. Our yoga class has gone completely out of control. Today we worked on scorpion, headstands, handstands and some hand balances like crane, crow and variations of each. I'm exhausted and my arms feel like jelly. Even typing is a chore. On the plus side, I can do a really pretty scorpion if I've got the wall to work off of. I'm beginning to spend more time off the wall balancing on my own than against the wall.

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Fangs for the memories.
2003-05-20 9:54 a.m.

Tonight is the last episode ever for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I didn't start watching the season until right around the middle of it. I've caught up on all the previous episodes thanks to WB and TNN. I would love to see a spin off starring Andrew. His character has a lot of potential to develop into a reluctant hero. I have no interest in seeing any more of Dawn or the "potentials" and I think Willow has seen better days. So RIP Buffy. She saved the world. A lot.

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