Say it, don't spray it:

hissandtell - 2006-05-09 02:31:34
Love the photos, as always - and the new hair (and your beautifully defined cheekbones, too) are quite fabulous. Love, R xxx

vanoonoo - 2006-05-09 03:22:47
I use haloscan and its a bit flaky at times but useful. not sure if its spamproof or not as my diary is locked and I dont have that many readers, but I havent had any sapm if that counts for anything!

So Charming - 2006-05-09 06:22:11
Your hair looks gorgeous. Such a flattering cut and color! :)

awittykitty - 2006-05-09 08:25:49
I'm sad that both you and 12% Beer were inundated with all those comments. I still haven't quite figured out how to comment on Leebo's thing. Maybe all those spammers really just wanted to become one of the Cool People at 12%. p.s. I would never guess you were in pain. Nice pic.

saru-san - 2006-05-09 09:34:49
I use Haloscan, and for the most part I find it pretty reliable. (Being a spelling and grammar Nazi, I also like that I can go in and tidy up peoples' comments. Yeah. Freak=me.)
The only thing I don't like about it is that it uses the title of each entry to make the comments unique to the entries, so if I use certain characters... like apostrophes, or whatever... in the title, the comments don't work. I don't like being limited in any way, so that sucks, but I'm over it now. And I have never been spammed.
That said, your hair looks great!

Kat - 2006-05-09 10:59:35
I left a comment over at Cingi's...tell me more about this bare minerals stuff!?!? I love the hair too - your eyes look so GREEN!

PyroJack - 2006-05-09 17:00:34
Hmmmm... If that "wake me up and kiss me" option is still available, I'd like to take dibs on it!

whystinger - 2006-05-11 08:20:38
Your $15 hair cut and home dye job looks FANTASTIC. You should not be afraid to duplicate that. My wife did that a few years ago after being dissatisfied with her hairdresser's dye job and big cost... She usually is more satisfied with the home dye jobs. Me? I love the look of the home dye job, because on her, it tends to look more natural. Thanks for the link. She doen't know I have a diary so I probably can't or shouldn't lead her to your site, but I can lead her to the other sites... Thanks again!!!

candoor - 2006-05-14 02:57:47
lol, I just read down this page and want to thank you for sounding like me here at the end of this entry... the hair looks great and I hope you get the smaller needles and have less pain...

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