Say it, don't spray it:

meh - 2006-04-27 08:25:32
I LOVE your banners.

awittykitty - 2006-04-27 09:08:13
Reading tarot cards at a party gets you bootie? Man, I know what I'm shopping for today. Actually our one and only "metaphysical" (cough) hippie bookstore/crystal shop is in the process of closing right now. Guess I should run over and buy some goodies before they're all gone.

glockgirl - 2006-04-29 15:06:30
I saw the single white female banner and knew it was you before I clicked on it.

Halo Askew - 2006-04-29 23:28:40
Thanks for the mention! And I love your latest batch of banners! Soon, when I have money again, I'll send ya a little something. You're the BEST!

hissandtell - 2006-04-30 13:48:22
Love the banners, as always � I made and ran a couple of Barbarella ones a while ago, too ( and � great minds do indeed think alike! Love, R xxx

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