Say it, don't spray it:

Halo Askew - 2006-04-14 22:42:55
Loki mewing "Merf" with the head sticking out of the pant leg. I LOVE that image! And I'm sure Loki is very agile & bendable. There is no direct cat-body-to-thigh-width connection there. NO, NO. Perish the thought! C'mon over. We'll eat Velveeta and Ritz. And laugh over our human foibles. (Not enough people use the word "foibles" anymore. Hence, we must propagate the word through all the kingdom!) To underling: "Your foibles are considerable. But you are hung like a stallion. Carry on. I shall see you at 4 o'clock in my chambers."

Trace of Humor - 2006-04-15 10:56:23
I second that motion -- cats are wriggly little buggers. And my chunky kitty could probably wriggle his way through my pant legs, too, if the inspiration struck, and i have stick legs. Thanks for your comments on the comic! :)

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