Say it, don't spray it:

hissandtell - 2006-04-11 03:18:12
Yep, sex sells. Who would have thought it? My a-sexy banners get a clickthrough of about, oh, 2% compared with more than 6% any time I run something with boobies or panties or corsets or bottoms or whips. Incredible, isn't it? (And anyway, your banners are MUCH better than mine! The Shag stuff is fabulous; I have all his books.) Love you! R xxx

Athena - 2006-04-11 13:55:16
It is time for your medication or mine? I love it! Thanks for the smile. I needed that.

Halo Askew - 2006-04-11 19:56:59
Those banners are kick-ass! You'll have to make one for me sometime! (please please PLEASE?) I think the beer one may have been less popular because people have heard that phrase before (at least I have -- don't ask me where. A random truck stop, perhaps).

dom - 2006-04-11 22:36:00
nice banners! and what do you mean "little or no money" ? we can run them for free?

Kungfukitten - 2006-04-11 22:51:35
Well, if you sign up for a super gold account you get some free banners runs. Also you get free banners if you refer someone to sign up for a super gold diaryland account. On top of that, Andrew is currently running a double banner run, where if you submit, say 5,000 banner runs, you get it 10,000 banner runs. Free all over the place.

awittykitty - 2006-04-12 10:20:03
You're right, I did think the no-panties one was Hiss. And the "is it time for my medication or yours" could have been for me, except I don't have another person to ask except my cat. Nice banners though. Now I have to run one. See how power of suggestion works.

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