Say it, don't spray it:

Eve - 2006-03-20 20:02:12
The wax thing reminds me of that episode of "Friends" where the gang was eating the wax remover stuff because they were stuck in the bedroom while Ross and Rachel were in the living room fighting. I can't think of the name of the wax but it was a Sally Hansen type name. Steroid weight-gain sucks ass. I've had it happened to me several times, always like 10 pounds in 2 days. Ack.

erika - 2006-03-20 23:23:21
omg. that sounds so...bah! the things you have to go through right? i use a wax strip that has never even left me red..and of course i cant remember the name. but it comes with this soothing oil that calms the redness and gets all the stickiness off.ill have to look it up and let yah know, if you want to attempt wax again. sorry:( hope you have a much better day!

z. - 2006-03-20 23:42:56
I use Nair cold stripes and I never get red. But the first time I waxed I went to a salon and they used hot wax. I was a big red mess and prom was in a week. So I made chamomille tea, I got a towel wet and put it on my face. It took like three days to get my face back to normal.

Tenshi - 2006-03-21 07:58:11
Methinks you missed the entry on my journal where I burned the area between my brows with wax... and I've used those strips before with no problem! ...Avon has a nice hair remover product out.

hissandtell - 2006-03-21 20:42:35
Gads, I love your banners, missy! (Also your writing, of course.) Love, R xxx

Tenshi - 2006-03-21 22:02:20
Found the entry! By the way - what time zone was 9:37pm in? Because it's 10pm EST here and nothing... :\

Gilgongo - 2006-03-29 01:57:29
Check it out... we have the exact same cats. Freaky!

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