Say it, don't spray it:

Judith - 2005-11-22 06:37:37
I'm sorry your relationship didn't go like you wanted. Some men have no clue about saying what they mean or want. Bah.

Kat - 2005-11-22 11:35:37
Nobody is allowed to go pee by themselves in my house either. Occasionally I get to have a shower by myself, but not often. I can't say that my boys have ever brought me their toys in the bathroom though!

LeeboZeebo - 2005-11-23 22:37:16
In his defense, when shit isn't working I have no idea what to say to a girl to end a relationship, either. Regardless of how you think you may want to hear it, getting dumped is going to suck and it's going to feel like getting dumped even if he writes a lovely soliloquy on the subject. There's no way of saying it that masks the fact that, in a breakup, the breaker-upper is doing so because 1] there's somebody supposedly better than you or (worse) 2] being with nobody is somehow preferable. I've been on that end of the stick, and no matter how many times I think how much better it could have gone, I come back to that. There just isn't a good way to handle it. On a lighter note, every time you mention this Brasserie place I think you write "Brassiere" which conjures up a very fancy eatery indeed.

Kungfukitten - 2005-11-24 04:49:14
I think I'm just so frustrated over these last couple of the last dumping because: 1) I was the dumpee and not the dumper 2) I was completely blindsighted. It went from hot weasel sex and "when can I see you again" to being dumped 12 hours later. It felt like it came out of nowhere, when did they have time to think all this shit out? I was still catching my breath.

LeeboZeebo - 2005-11-24 21:32:04
You have no choice but to seduce him, make him want some of your nether steam, and then right when he's at the apex of desire, hire some dude to throw a brick with a break-up note tied to it through his window.

cingi - 2005-12-05 16:31:18
Boys, gotta love them. I know where you are coming from on the hot twenty-something-or-others. My motto, get back on the next one and ride him for all he's worth. Nothing like a good grudge F to take your mind of the jerk that just dumped you. NEXT!

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