Say it, don't spray it:

Anne - 2005-11-06 22:49:19
YAY! Well-fitting, bargain-priced, designer jeans. Go you! (I'm 5'11', and pants have been an issue for me always.)

LeeboZeebo - 2005-11-06 23:35:35
I do the vast majority of my shopping at Ross, although that store is not well known for having a wealthy men's department. In other news, I finally updated my NaNoWriMo profile, so you should probably declare me your writing buddy. You know, unless you're heartless and hate me.

LeeboZeebo - 2005-11-07 15:24:40
1) I actually live around a health center hub, so my injuries have been inspected (at quite a cost) by specialists. 2) I don't have health insurance, so even IF there were a ton of awesome prescription drugs to help me live with this damage, I couldn't possibly afford them. Right now I'm starting Project Ambidexterity. It's a suitable replacement for Project No-Masturbating, which came to a spectacularly euphoric close a few weeks ago during a period when I actually thought my groin was going to burst into flames.

joe - 2005-11-08 17:58:55
I read that entry as not being all about pants, but all about your ass... but maybe I'm just fixated?

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