Say it, don't spray it:

Amber - 2005-04-20 17:45:57
lol I wish I had a nickle for everytime I heard someone tell me to have a blessed day. I'd have a boatload of nickles. *hugs*

j-cat - 2005-04-22 15:25:30
lived in North Carolina all my life, where did the yankee come from? My Linguistic Profile: 55% General American English 25% Dixie 20% Yankee 0% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern

Glockgirl - 2005-04-23 17:30:39
70% General American English 10% Midwestern 10% Upper Midwestern 5% Dixie 5% Yankee They missed one - it's really Midwestern to pronounce Italian like eye-talian. I had to break myself of that and part ways with my upper Iowa roots. But I will NEVER refer to a cart at Kroger as a Buggy.

LeeboZeebo - 2005-04-23 20:24:28
I ranked much higher on Dixie than I will ever actually admit.

swampgoddess - 2005-04-24 08:53:30
ACK! I grew up in Alabama but went to college in Ohio. During my freshman year, the librarian told me when she had lived in Georgia she had paid for "tutors" so her daughters wouldn't pick up a southern accent. "Southern accents," she said, "are ignorant." Hmmm ... thanks a hell of a lot. I actually went to college with a FULL RIDE so I don't know why she was so snotty to me. My accent did draw other comments as well. I had people ask me if I wore shoes to class and if I had picked cotton. Really folks, Birmingham is a *city!* I did, however, stop wearing shoes to my college classes just to screw with people's minds. ;-)

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