Say it, don't spray it:

cingi - 2005-02-16 19:34:35
Hottie Material = rankable on a scale of 1-10, good well rounded person that we would like to be seen with,a nd hang out with. Materialistic Hottie = A 10 that's an A**hole. Sorry will include def. in future correspondence.

HM - 2005-02-16 23:04:34
Thanks Cingi! I will look for definitions in the future. :)

LeeboZeebo - 2005-02-16 23:16:33
If I met a wolf I think I would go Perrin Aybara on its ass, straight up Wheel of Time style. That's how I roll - making wolves work for ME. I have a tendency to call people I know strictly through an online medium my "internet friends" as well. I was actually just replying to Luvabeans and telling her how odd I think it is that we separate out these two classes of people into "internet buddies" and "real life friends," as though everybody you know on the interweb is one big faker. And, as a side note, nobody gets drunker than Zeebo. I am equal parts Irish and German. I pack it away like some sort of combustible engine - we are talking FUEL. Booyah.

Sky Schemer - 2005-02-17 17:32:16
Somehow, I got the impression that you wouldn't be caught dead in a pink sweater. I guess I was wrong.

kungfukitten - 2005-02-17 18:21:57
Believe it or not, I actually own a pink cashmere cardigan not unlike the one in the picture. Of course I own about six black sweaters to compensate.

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