Say it, don't spray it:

david - 2005-01-31 16:45:23
very nice. i randomly found your page, and enjoyed the post. we all have these thoughts at one point or another. :)

MT - 2005-01-31 18:48:05
My goal in life is to get an industrial strength Volvo and ram the shit out of people like that. Hmmm... and of course, all the people with their "W" stickers. ;-) I am becoming the queen of road rage.

christopher - 2005-02-01 01:58:22
i love you already, jk. sorry i just came across your page somehow and just wanted to comment. good luck with everything. peace

Polly - 2005-02-01 17:24:40
I loved this post. I just came across your diary and decided to read the first entry to see what you were all about. I liked it, your my kind of person.. ignorance stinks doesn't it..

Aubriana - 2005-02-01 19:25:15
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Every single person at educational facillity (which I won't even gratify with the name "college") should read this post. I too found a tank in the compact spot that should belong to my cute little hyundai.

jamie - 2005-02-03 12:38:55

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