Say it, don't spray it:

restlessly - 2004-12-07 03:44:13
You named your notebooks? That is so cool. I just wrote my thoughts everywhere, basically. In various diaries and journals, and just doodled over their covers. Ever read The Princess Diaries?

mrs-roboto - 2004-12-07 09:54:03
I love The Decline of Western Civilization - "Sorry all my fault" 1991. Nope, you didn't miss my pictures. I decided not to post them. I'm in spandex and you know what? No one should ever post pictures of themselves in Spandex - EVER. I have your novel saved at work and I am planning to read it instead of working over the next few days.

mrs-roboto - 2004-12-07 09:54:03
I love The Decline of Western Civilization - "Sorry all my fault" 1991. Nope, you didn't miss my pictures. I decided not to post them. I'm in spandex and you know what? No one should ever post pictures of themselves in Spandex - EVER. I have your novel saved at work and I am planning to read it instead of working over the next few days.

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