Say it, don't spray it:

Amber - 2004-11-15 14:04:24
Aww I like the kittens of mass affection. :)

Judith - 2004-11-15 23:44:34
I totally know what you mean. I listen to NPR almost exclusively in the car. And now that the election is over, I can barely listen to NPR news etc. Even Talk of the Nation is hard to listen to sometimes. Its like they're trying to snuggle me.

Glenn - 2004-11-16 10:34:39
... and Chocolate = oil And in today's stories, "Krusty the Klown was pleased to announce the snuggling of a zillion bunny rabbits in Fallujah. The Klown was quoted, 'We can't let these bunny rabbits stop us from getting to our much needed chocolate in Fallujah'" P.S. Don't you folks get Air America on your airwaves?

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