Say it, don't spray it:

doug - 2004-10-05 13:31:49
impromtu is one of my favorite movies I've ever seen. it made me really happy when you mentioned it.

rebecca - 2004-10-05 15:30:03
I just saw Spider-Man II last night, too! I got really burnt out at work and decided I needed to disappear for two hours, so I went to the Kennedy School. It's funny you should mention Impromptu -- it was in my Netflix queue for a long time and for some reason I just took it out. I've seen it three or so times, so I figured I should be concentrating on seeing new movies. But now I regret removing it because it really is a good movie.

Sky Schemer - 2004-10-05 16:27:11
'tis the week to line the coffers of the state. And the county, apparently. I'm sitting on a citation for not reducing my speed in a school zone, thanks to the new law which makes those 24-hours. Because, yanno, there are a lot of kids around schools after 10pm on week nights.

pattyo - 2004-10-06 19:41:06
Ahhh... while my advice may often be underrated, it's usually sound. When a sage speaks, listen!!

Lisa (the one with similarities) - 2004-10-07 00:40:16
I love Impromptu. Hugh before he was famous; and Judy Davis is so great. I like stories where a woman pursues a man without being portrayed as a psycho rabbit killer. Enjoy your Amazon delivery. That always cheers me up.

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