Say it, don't spray it:

Austin Rich - 2004-09-23 13:12:48

This is from my senior year, at some point in early 1993 I believe (many 1992). While there are plenty of other more embarassing pictures, this is probably the most famous. That sweater / hair combo haunts me to this day (mom's idea). That picture went up around The Blitzhaus with the words "Dirk Diggler" written underneath.

bootkiller - 2004-09-23 17:00:33
Nah, you were definitely cooler than me. As far as high school pictures go, I have one thing to say: Mullet. Yes, I had a mullet. A small one, but I still had a mullet. I guess I was trying to look like Howard Jones, or something. College wasn't much better. No more mullet, but spiky hair and Cliff Huxtable sweaters. Ouch.

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