Say it, don't spray it:

Judith - 2004-09-21 13:32:47
God,do I know what you mean about living alone. When I first started living alone, I tripped over something and landed hard on the floor. All I could think about what that nobody was there to help me up and tend to my knee. And I hate that feeling of having nobody around to help calm your fears when you hear a strange noise. Other than that, I love living alone. Nothing beats making your own house rules.

rebecca - 2004-09-21 16:56:22
I'm with you two. Judith, I did something similar, except I passed out and cut my head open. I was lucky I just hit my head on the floor and not the bathtub or the toilet, as that might have led to me lying there unconscious for days, until the neighbors began to complain about the smell...

That said, golly is it nice to go home after a long day at work and really be your own boss. You get to do whatever it is you need to do to wind down without being interrupted. So lovely.

Laurel Ann - 2004-09-21 17:16:32
Well ladies, I will join your "when I lived alone I hit my head" club. I lived in San Diego...just me and my jack russell, Kesey...when in the middle of the night he and I got tangled up in the blankets while I was walking to my bedroom. I lost my balance, couldn't get my hands out to break my fall, and knocked myself unconscious. When I woke up and managed to make it to the bathroom, I saw the biggest knob grow right out of forehead. Scared the crap out of me...I'm lucky enough now to have a fabulous husband who kisses all my boo-boo's. :)

bootkiller - 2004-09-21 18:07:19
Been there. Lord, I been there. I lived alone for three years before meeting my wife. The tenants in the building next door were dealing crack. One night somebody fired a shotgun outside my ground-floor window. Three times. Not fun. Shotgun beats sword and shield every time, so I hid under my blankets and called the police.

Kungfukitten - 2004-09-21 18:26:39
I'm always surprised at the posts that people comment on. I guess everyone has their own emotional "I've fallen and can't get up" or "Scary noises outside" stories.

Austin Rich - 2004-09-22 12:53:37
I didn't fall per se; I was still drunk when I woke up in the morning, and stood up so fast that I passed out while I was peeing in the bathroom. I banged my head on the corner of the sink, and woke up in a crumpled mess on the floor of the bathroom hours later. I saw blood, but after I was able to drag myself to the living room, I realized that it was from having ripped off one of my toenails. The moral or the story has something to do with drinking for 16 Hours, straight, but I'm not exactly sure what it could be.

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