Say it, don't spray it:

Lo - 2004-06-15 13:30:01
Ack! Good for you for getting away even in unstable slingbacks!

aleta - 2004-06-15 14:23:33
i was wondering the same thing - why is it that you get targeted so often downtown - i've never had a problem. my bet is the heels - subliminally people know they're the equivalent of slave shackles for women. they scream "easy target."

Tracy - 2004-06-15 23:39:00
Where the crap do you live/work that you get hit in the face by homeless guys and assaulted by would-be muggers? You got to start walking a little more butch, girlfriend. In my younger days I lived close-in SE and I would walk across Morrison Bridge at night to shoot pool at Railto (now Rialto). I would walk home late at night, even. Never had a problem. Saw a guy jerking off under the Hawthorne Bridge once. Thanks for guessing I'm 25 - I'm not - and haven't been for a very long time.

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