Say it, don't spray it:

mrs-roboto - 2004-06-14 13:06:07
I am an adoring fan!

aleta - 2004-06-14 14:06:33
make that 2 adoring fans. a friend's father once gave her some wise advice: it doesn't do any good to worry about money, but you can PLAN about money. i think that's true of other things too. worrying about career/life goals doesn't do much but make you unhappy. planning, on the other hand, actually accomplishes something.

Austin Rich - 2004-06-14 17:35:51
Have you thought about Print On Demand? ( It's actually a pretty cool idea, and it helps get starting writers the most coveted thing in Publishing: An ISBN Number! With one of those, you can arrange local signings a bookstores, set up a website to promote your book, etc. Also, once you have a Print On Demand book, you can submit a fully bound book with an ISBN to publishers for consideration. It's like vanity publishing, but cost a bit less, and you can actually get the books in bookstores, which is a bonus. Just a thought.

diana - 2004-06-14 17:43:59
I am one of MANY fans that you have here! I have written approximately 6 pages in my "book" so far. That makes you a writing legend...

Kungfukitten - 2004-06-14 18:09:22
Thanks for everyone who participated in my pity party. Long time readers will know I flip out every year right before my birthday. By my accounts I'm a failure because I haven't been elected Queen of the Freaking Universe and have an army of Chippendale sex slaves yet. It's good to have high aspirations...

stephen - 2004-06-15 06:12:18
I am a an adoring fan. Reading your blog is part of my nightly routine.

Stephen - 2004-06-15 06:12:58
lol "I am and adoring fan." typo on previous post

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