Say it, don't spray it:

mamazuki - 2004-03-24 11:54:46
I found your bobby pin on the floor when I was bent over stretching, so don't worry, it's not lodged. I have grappled with that same big guy and sprained my wrist while doing so--ooo, you made him tap out, cooool.

Tracy - 2004-03-24 14:23:39
I've found grappling to be most instructive when done with a person who is approximately your height - all the bones and joints are in the same place. At our school that means pairing up with a couple of kick-ass Sifus: S.Clifton & S.Jack.

cherz - 2004-03-24 16:11:45
*sigh* I miss the Kung Fu days in high school... :( learning new forms, sticky hands, the smell of dit da jow on my forearms. memmmmmorieeees...

Lara - 2004-03-24 16:20:53
Have you tried double buns? Like, pigtail buns? It would be oh-so-oriental-chic. I'd leave out the chopsticks, though, you might poke an eye out.

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