Say it, don't spray it:

crakhed - 2003-07-07 22:16:04
oh my.. u've done it.. u asked the public for their musical opinion. i won't pretend to know what the heck i'm talkin about, but i'll just list a couple of faves: tranceraver, dj liquid, the cynic project, kooz, minister, & trance[]control.. just to name a few. u can also browse and find a fair amount of free tracks to download.

Glowing Fish - 2003-07-08 04:00:23
I was talking to a girl in Australia on the phone the other night. She pronounced the differences between her countries "car" and our "car" and I could see how silly ours really sounds. I always think that they were doing it silly, because they pronounce the "r" like an "h". But when she explained it to me, it turns out that you have to really make a big tonal shift all over the word to be able to say the American "r" sound. The reason I mention this is it seems funny, because the Australians, being descended from pirates didn't get the "ARRRRRRR", while we, the good puritanical Americans, ended up talking like pirates. I am sure that made perfect sense.

thesilentone - 2003-07-08 09:00:45
To Glowing Fish: Unless you live in Rhode Island or Massachussetts, where it is pronounced "Ka"

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