Say it, don't spray it:

thd - 2003-01-10 23:14:58
Have you read anything by Philip K. Dick? If not, I'd suggest DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRI SHEEP? If you're somewhat familiar with him, Citadel has a 5 volume set of all of his short stories which you might find an interesting read. If you'd like some of my faves, let me know.

beangeled - 2003-01-11 09:44:37
Star Trek :) The New Frontier Book Series is cool ;) but then again you might hate star trek..... hmmm would be bad though ;)

rebecca - 2003-01-11 14:05:51
I just read Heavy Weather by Bruce Sterling. It was interesting, but not the best thing I've ever read. I can loan it to you, if you want. Of course, my favorite sci-fi writer of all time is Neal Stephenson. He's way rad. I know we've talked about him, but can't remember if you've read his books or not...

bootkiller - 2003-01-13 09:27:13
R. A. Lafferty. It'll take some looking, but he's well worth it. Check the libraries. William Gibson & Neal Stephenson for cyberpunk, Orson Scott Card's "Speaker for the Dead" and "Tales of Alvin Maker" for ethical discussions, Ursula K. LeGuin for flat-out amazing prose and the occasional genderfuck. Oh, and Bradbury. You cannot skip Bradbury.

Tracy - 2003-01-13 14:31:56
&heart; makes a nice little heart icon. For lighthearted fantasy, we've been enjoying Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. They don't have to be read in order, but it helps some.

classicman - 2003-01-14 08:01:05
I recommend Neal Stephenson. Snowcrash for starters. Diamond Age is tasty and I'm in the middle of Cryptonomicon, which is by far the best. Of course, you can't go wrong with Robert A. Heinlein's "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls" and the infamous "Stranger in a Strange Land" Just my two bits!

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