My Boozehound Tendencies
2001-11-21 7:52 a.m.

The lights just went off on my side of cubicleland. I suppose that's because the lights are on sensors and I'm the only person who didn't take today off. Don't worry, I'll be a slacker and leave early.

I just brightened up my morning by hanging out with Dancing Paul. I highly recommend the Vanilla Ice soundtrack or the Sir Mix-a-lot Baby got Back soundtrack. I was sitting here in the dark giggling inanaely at the glow of my computer screen.

I spent three hours at the dojo last night taking my written test for my orange sash. I think I did well. I studied all the specific information and the test was mostly esoteric essay questions so I think I comitted essay question overkill. If my sifu can read my hand writing, I think I'll do well. Then I stayed for the intermediate class and we basically played with sticks all night. I have a nasty bruise on my right forearm. Simon was pulling his hair out last night saying: "Your parents are going to think that I beat you!"

The family is converging on my household this afternoon. I think it will be fun. I have all my Thankgiving supplies and a large quantity of wine. My family is notorious for our wine consumption. We're not even Italian. It must be the French and English ancestry. My scandinavian ancestry would explain my penchant for vodka martinis. I have a lot of German in me too which would explain my love of microbrews and the yearly doing of the chicken dance. ~oops, sorry Rebecca.~ I guess I can blame my genes on my alcoholic tendencies. Actually since I've started taking kung fu my alcohol consumption has dwindled. When you get home from working out the last thing you want it booze. You want lots and lots of ice cold water.

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