I have the kung fu skills of 7 weasels
2002-02-11 8:32 a.m.

I got Simon out of the hospital on Friday. He's basically come to the decision that he needs to quit his job because it's killing him. It also doesn't help that they keep threatening to lay him off. He needs something stable that he enjoys doing. So we talked a lot this weekend and he's going to quit work at the end of the month. The benefit is that he leaves on his own terms, the negative is that he can't get unemployment if he quits. Oh well. He has some money saved up and I told him I'd see if I could get him on my health insurance until he gets his life together. Am I a good girlfriend or what? I think I deserve an award or at least 2 carats.

I went to Qigong last night and we learned a liver cleansing form. It's pretty funny because you wash our your insides and send all the negative energy out your right big toe into a plant and all that grungy energy is actually good for the plant. We also did a good grounding meditation before hand which I found particularity useful. All week long I was running on a stressed out adrenaline high, I was angry, worried and very busy. By Friday night my adrenal glands finally shut down and I crashed hard. I went to bed at nine and did not wake up until 1pm! I also had a cat turban on because both cats curled up around my head on the pillow. I didn't do any exercise this weekend (slept right through kung fu) but that was probably for the best. I screwed up my knees a couple of weeks ago and today was the first day they didn't hurt. So yea! I feel healed in many different ways.

Today I'll sneak over to the gym on my lunch break to lift some weights and run on the elliptical machine. I somehow managed to lose 4 pounds this week. I'm guessing it's water and wishful thinking. I don't think it's humanly possible to lose four pounds of fat in a week (without the aid of surgery).

On a fun note, Chris just wrote the funniest fan fic about me for Your Story. One of my favorite quotes is "You shall never best me, little kitty, for I have the kung fu skills of seven weasels!� Funny funny stuff. If you'll excuse me, I have to go practice my frightened mongoose pose.

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