I heart Liad.
2003-01-10 12:28 p.m.

In the span of one hour I spent over $100 on books. I went to Korval.com and spent a ton of money on the full collection of Liad short story/novellas. Whee! I can't wait for them to arrive. Then I clicked over to Amazon.com and picked up two more novels in the series so I'll be able to continue reading uninterrupted.

On another note, I've just upgraded my Dland account to SuperGold to incorporate a comments system. So please, comment away. Do you read science fiction? What can you recommend for me to read?

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Crime scene.
2003-01-09 11:55 a.m.

While I was waiting for my bus after work last night I noticed I was standing next to a small pool of blood. The blood was still bright red like the incident had just happened. I inspected the splatter marks, it looked like someone had taken a few steps back then turned and walked away. I followed the blood trail to a blood soaked rag by a street sign. I looked around. No police, and no one appeared to be hemorrhaging. My guess is someone got popped in the nose and had a bad nose bleed. Paying $150 for monthly parking is beginning to sound more and more reasonable.

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2003-01-08 11:15 a.m.

I was taking the elevator up to the 15th floor this morning and as usual started marvelling at the fact that our office building has no thirteenth floor. It goes from 12 directly to 14. It's called triskaidekaphobia, or the morbid fear of the number thirteen. It's amazing how supersitious our culture can be. I looked up the thirteen and found some interesting information:

Thirteen is the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and three and is a prime number. Thirteen is regarded as unlucky as being the number of those present at the Last Supper - Jesus with his 12 disciples when they included Judas Iscariot among their number. It is also the number of a witches' coven. There were 13 Mayan heavens, each ruled by a God, and the Aztec Calendar was divided into 13 periods. Norse mythology also has a superstition surrounding thirteen at a dinner table and the bad luck that ensues. Apparently twelve deities sat down for a meal at a gods' feast only to have Loki (hmm, my cat's name), the god of mischief and disorder, come along and crash the party. He rose the number to thirteen, causing one of the gods to die during the meal. There are thirteen witches in a coven corresponding with the thirteen full moons of a year. Some addresses are labeled as 12a or 12 1/2 to avoid the number thirteen all together.

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Excuse me while I do the icky dance.
2003-01-07 2:15 p.m.

I went down to the gym early so I could pump some iron before yoga class during lunch today. When I went into the changing rooms to get my yoga mat I nearly had a heart attack when I looked in the sink. A cockaroach the size of my fist was lying on its back kicking it's legs in the air. Some brave soul must have whacked it and run off. Normally insects don't bother me but I did an icky dance when I saw that cockaroach. During yoga class the maintenance man came in and disposed of the unruly insect. Now I'm afraid to use the bathroom down there.

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Uh, ouch.
2003-01-06 10:47 a.m.

An Indian martial arts expert has won a place in the Guinness Book of Records after cracking three concrete blocks in half using his groin...

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My resolve sucks.
2003-01-06 10:00 a.m.

The thing that sucks about making new year's resolutions is that when you go back and look at them a year later, you feel like a complete failure. So for this year's resolutions I'd like to do last year's and become independently wealthy so I don't have to work in a cubicle any more. Or I could do this:

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

As for last year's predictions, I was right about Madonna getting pregnant and mullets coming back into style. I'll post my predictions for this year later today once inspiration hits me.

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