I am not making this up
2002-02-12 1:30 p.m.

2nd entry:

I just had the most surreal fifteen minutes.

I decided since I made it through the interview I deserved something nice, so I went to Nordstroms to hit the Stila counter. On my way there I was accosted three separate times for change. Then I walked past the Mexican guy that plays the trumpet for change. I watched some woman run across the street and bowl him over with a hug. I hope she knew him. I also pass Mr. Statue who is sporting a bright blue and sparkly green look.

Finally I get to Nordstroms and the lady at the Stila counter seems to have overdosed on valium. She's very very slow and her eyelids are half closed and she's mumbling with a silly smile on her face. I keep asking her to speak up because right outside the store is some guy with a guitar, amp and microphone who's doing a cover of Nirvana's "Come as You Are." I pay for my purchase (pixie lipstick and lipliner #16) and leave the store. As I'm crossing the street I somehow end up being swept up in a protest rally! A bunch of young people dressed all in black and wearing black masks are screaming about the government. I got jostled around between them and someone hands me a sign that says "FBI = Terrorists." I make my way through the crowd and get someone to take the sign back. Most of these people are carrying skateboards and I'm trying to figure out if they're an actual organization or just a bunch of angry kids that fancy themselves anarchists. I get back on track and keep foraging back to the office.

Then a clown tells me I'm cute and hands me some Mardi Gra beads. Yes, a clown.

So I'm now safe and sound back in my cubicle wearing a smashing pink lipstick and some bright gold Mardi Gra beads.

For the record: I did not show the clown my boobs.

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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