My jaw is fine.
2002-11-01 9:22 a.m.

Went to the dentist again last night and had my head re-x-rayed. My jaw is fine with no large tumor like the previous x-ray showed. Man, that's a load off my mind. To celebrate I went to visit my wine guy on the way home, sipped half a glass of pinot gris and bought a mixed case of wine.

NaNoWriMo started at midnight. So far my word count is 0. I've hijacked a diaryland site from a friend who quit posting months ago. My novel in progress will be posted here. I hope to have actual novel stuff posted there later today. Eeep. November is starting to look way busy.

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Happy Samhain.
2002-10-31 10:38 a.m.

I initially wrote an entry that was a bunch of whining. Instead I'll just list the things I was whining about and move on:
Have a head cold
Have not slept in days
Body hurts a whole lot.
Fingers turning blue during kung fu class.
Worried about X-ray at dentist this afternoon.
Feline puke fest this A.M.

Boo! It's Halloween. I'm not dressing up this year but I did bring my cat ears headband to work today, just in case I have any meetings with our Doctors or Attorneys. Saw a 10 year old dressed up as a pimp this morning. What does that say about our society?

"So Sally, what would you like to dress up as for Halloween this year?"

"A hooker!"

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Pay backs.
2002-10-29 3:59 p.m.

Last night in kung fu class we worked on club counters (AKA how to avoid being hit with a big stick) and my stomach muscles are killing me, which is strange because I don't know what I was doing to make them tense.

Loki's been all strange and aggressive lately. He's been jumping on all the girl cats in the neighborhood. He was fixed so I'm not sure what all the jumping is about. Maybe it's territorial as our backyard is a feline thoroughfare. Trinity has a few places in the house she goes when he's being all jumpy. Sometimes I'll lock her in the bathroom with me when I take a bath so she can chill out and relax. Then again, I watched her launch herself of the coffee table and give him a good ass whoopin' the other day. Pay backs are hell.

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This is spinal tap's broken legs.
2002-10-28 9:23 a.m.

Wow! NaNoWriMo starts this week, technically on Halloween at midnight. I'm excited but I'm also a little freaked out as November is shaping up to be a busy month with kung fu camp and hosting Thanksgiving. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to fit in some serious time for writing. Hey, if there's other NaNo's out there who are posting their novels online, let me know and I'll link you on my soon to be published diaryland NaNo site. (It's still in development as of now. I expect to go live on November 1.)

Saturday night Simon and I along with a group of friends tried to do something scary. Instead we got turned down at a corn maze and a haunted house because we were showing up everywhere too late. I still had horrible nightmares all night even without seeing anything scary. This morning I had a dream I was in a house on the water and watched a tsunami roll in. For some reason I was with the guitar player from Spinal Tap and I was trying to pull him out the back door of the house so we could swim to shore. He jumped off the house too close to the shore and broke both his legs.

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