Publish me, please.
2005-08-06 9:38 p.m.

I�m still recovering from Friday. I pitched my sexy werewolf book to an agent who wasn�t interested in it (wrong genera) but she referred me to a friend of hers that is wild about vampires and werewolves so I did get something out of it. I also asked her to critique the hell out of my pitch but she only had positive things to say so either it was a kick ass pitch or she was incredibly nice. That night my little improv group �Writer�s Block� performed in the banquet hall for all the starving/drunk writers. We were well received (let�s hear it for the bar). I thought we did a pretty good job. The audience actually quit talking and sat enrapt with our performance. People laughed at appropriate moments. I had a few really great scenes and a couple of really horrible ones. Out of everyone in the group, I had the least experience but I felt like I held my own and did a good job. We may even have a gig for Writer�s on the Edge. They said they couldn�t pay us much but could offer us free lodging on the coast. I think we all went glossy eyed and salivated a bit at that. Us Oregonians love the coast and big beach houses!

Tomorrow I have one more pitch and I hope she doesn�t cringe when she hears the phrase �paranormal romance.� It�s a really hot market right now but not everyone is interested in promoting it. I�ve also been looking into Inkwater Press as a self-publishing resource. You get an ISBN number and automatic representation on Amazon and B&N. I always felt that if I could just get my stuff printed it would sell itself (yes, I�m an unrealistic optimist). On another self-promoting sales tangent � complete strangers have been buying my Pink Pirate Kitty T-shirt at Caf� Press. Rock on!

1 People have tried to sell me Viagra
Minor surgery, gardening, convention.
2005-08-04 10:17 p.m.

I went in for minor surgery this week. I saw the ENT and he cut out some of my salivary glands to send to the lab. First he put some numbing goo on my lip. After it was mildly numb he took a big needle � a freaking huge glass and metal needle that was about a foot long (I am not exaggerating) and filled my lip with Novocain until I could no longer pucker. After that I shut my eyes while he dug around with various scalpels, scissors and tweezers on my lower lip. I�ve got some stitches in my lip now and they�re really annoying because the coarse thread is poking into my gums. They�re supposed to dissolve on their own but I�m about ready to gnaw them out.

My mother came down to stay with me during my ordeal. Really it wasn�t that bad, I could have driven myself there and back but it was nice having her around. My mother, the Master Gardener, dug up my entire front yard and threw away some of my plants. �The lavender has gone all woody and this geranium smells like cat piss.� Then she made me buy some new plants to fill in the gaps. I willingly obliged � I worked her until she dropped and now my front yard looks awesome. During her stay we did the New York Times crossword � she rocks, I suck, walked to coffee shops, read books and played with the cats. We both laughed until we cried watching MXC. Hilarious. She�s a fun houseguest.

The Willamette Writer�s convention starts tomorrow. I�m performing at the drinks/buffet tomorrow night with an improv group. Ack. Wish me luck.

5 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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