I'm having a party
2002-04-19 12:58 p.m.

Simon is off to the coast to sit in a yurt with a bunch of drunken men and "bond." I asked him if they were going to have a drum circle and pass the talking stick. He didn't think that was very funny.

So. Here's what I propose! Virtual slumber party at my diary tonight!

Girls only, no boys allowed. Unless you boys want to organize some sort of midnight panty raid on your own. But I warn you, I'm not parting with my black lace butterfly string bikini!

Here's what we'll do tonight: facials, pedicures, play truth or dare, play light as a feather stiff as a board, call boys then get really embarassed and hang up, karaoke!, pillow fights then we'll sneak out and T.P. some cute guy's diary. How about Bootkiller or Heckafresh?

Are you in? Whose coming over? E-mail me a pic of you doing something slumber partyish and I'll post it on the site!

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