Organ donors
2001-11-19 8:10 a.m.

I had high hopes for getting a lot done this weekend and ended up not doing a whole heck of a lot.

I went to forms class on Saturday morning thinking that we'd be doing forms. Silly me. It was 45 minutes of hard core conditioning. There were times during class where you could actually hear people whimpering. I kid you not. I may have gasped a couple of times when my thigh muscles refused to hold me upright any more. The only thing I was good at were the sit ups - lie on your back and slowly roll yourself up one vertebrae at a time without lifting your heels off the ground. The other exercise I kicked ass at was doing a backbend by walking your hands down a wall and touching your head to the ground. I could do that. In fact only I and the sifu could do that. Otherwise the class sucked and I was actually praying that I'd pass out so I wouln't have to finish. It was that hard.

Parts of my body that are in excruciating pain 48 hours later:

1. Thighs

2. Butt

3. Chest

4. Biceps

5. Lats

6. Neck

I'm very surprised that my stomach and lower back are all right.

Simon took one of my coworkers to the yurt with him and the coworker left his car by the curb in front of my house. When I went to run some errands I noticed he had a license plate that advertised he was an organ donor. I don't think that's a very smart idea. If my dear aunt Frieda is lying in a hospital waiting for a kidney and I'm cruising along the freeway and see a car with an organ donor plate I'm going to be tempted to run him off the road in hopes he's a potential match for aunt Frieda. Or is that just me?

NaNoWriMo: stuck stuck stuck.

0 People have tried to sell me Viagra

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