Friday Five - School.
2002-09-13 10:23 a.m.

Friday Five

1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why?
I loved creative writing. In fact my senior year they started an advanced creative writing course that only had me in it. I spent the year writing a novel called "The Secret of the Silver Dragon" which was about a shar pei smuggling ring in Seattle's Chinatown. I got an A+ as my teacher was astounded that I wrote an entire novel.

2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
I enjoyed Senora Palmquist as I got to be the advanced spanish class teacher's pet. She'd let me run the film strips in the media room. Of course what she didn't know is that I'd turn off the volume and narrate them in Spanish pretending that they were vacation slide shows. My short stint as class clown.

3. What is your favorite memory of school?
I spent a lot of time skipping school my senior year to spend time at Sunnyside beach. One of my friends worked at Jack in the Box and one day we had a "Jack in the Box sponsored BBQ" of food that he "liberated" from Jack in the Box. We even had a little deep fryer for the french fries.

4. What was your favorite recess game?
Four square was pretty hip as well as that game with the huge piece of bamboo that you rythmically hit on the ground and together and tried to dance around it without getting your ankles clipped. I have traumatic memories of dodge ball (think Jan Brady, my nose! my nose!)

5. What did you hate most about school?
I was bored most of the time. I read everything I could get my hands and and did self study because the classes weren't challenging enough. I wasn't a genius or anything, just a quick learner. College was a dream come true.

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Dear Freaky Neighbor
2002-09-13 9:50 a.m.

Dear Freaky Neighbor,
I'm not sure why you feel like my backyard is your own personal trash bin but please cease and desist from throwing crap over the fence. And if you're going to throw crap in my backyard at least throw things that make sense. You confound me with your insane barrage of: pieces of buttered toast, perfectly good apples, an order of buffalo wings complete with bleu cheese dipping sauce, a nice chain from a wallet and yesterday's frisbee with fresh dog slobber. If you cannot afford garbage service then I suggest you do what the rest of our gen Y neighbors do, which is throw your garbage away in the dumpster behind plaid pantry under cover of darkness.

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I'm great, really.
2002-09-12 12:15 p.m.

Kung fu class nearly killed me last night. Perhaps it was because the school was a humid 80+ degrees. I started sweating during the warm up and never stopped and I never sweat. Not like that. Last night it was dripping into my eyes, off the tip of my nose and drenching my shirt. When I got home I had to wring out my sports bra. (yeah, I know, too much information) My legs were shaking so bad I could barely stand by the end of class. My body was shaking. At one point sifu asked me "How are you doing?" I answered "great." He said, "I suppose that's subjective." I guess my quivering hands and pasty white face didn't fool him. Don't get me wrong, class was fun, but my body is usually stronger than this. I bet it was that damn pleurisy. Must do more qigong.

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Just a little flag waving.
2002-09-11 9:20 a.m.

Go visit Kim at Fresh-Hell and see the screen shots from 9/11/01 of the major news websites. One word: Wow.

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Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
2002-09-10 12:33 p.m.

My anxiety is raising amongst the impending anniversary of Sept. 11th and the High Terror Alerts that keep pouring out of Washington. I'll be glad when tomorrow is over with. I don't want to forget what has happened but I can't relive it all without losing some of my sanity. Tomorrow I'm going to turn off NPR and listen to music instead. I'm not going to go to any memorial services. I'm not going to visit I'm not going to talk about where I was and what I was doing when the news hit. I'm not going to dream about burning planes and toppling sky scrapers. I'm going to eat McDonald's and watch the Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Young Master of Shaolin. I'm going into denial beginning...Now.

Just for the record, my diary is not blocked in China. (thanks to LYD for the link.) Of course that will all change once I start posting nude pictures of Ms. M.

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Three ineffective ways to grind coffee.
2002-09-09 9:51 a.m.

I love coffee in the morning, particularly really strong Starbucks coffee that I grind myself. Saturday morning I stumbled out of bed at eleven looking forward to my morning jolt of caffeinated goodness. Alas, my coffee grinder was broken. Here were the three methods of creative coffee grinding I tried.

#1. The zip lock bag and wine bottle method. I tried this using the bottle like a rolling pin and smacking the beans in the bag. It didn't work very well, as it produced a very coarse grind.

#2. The mortar and pestle method. Very time consuming and hard on the wrists. You have to grind a small amount of beans at a time. It provided a coarse grind but a little better than method #1.

#3. Run over coffee bag with car method. I flattened out the coffee bag getting as much air out of it as possible, then I put it on the ground in front of my tire. I proceeded to run over the coffee bag five or six times. In theory this should have worked wonderfully! However, it produced a coarser grind that method's #1 and #2. It could be because I own a tiny miata. I bet if I had a big truck it would have worked better.

Memo to self: buy new coffee grinder and coffee today.

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