Say it, don't spray it:

scotvalkyrie - 2009-05-16 03:35:50
I'm so sorry for your injuries, but I still laughed and laughed . . . the image lends itself well to animation!

a-f - 2009-05-16 03:51:56
Hi! I just noticed you followed my a-f account on twitter... that's not the one I have been using! I just followed you so you can click there if you like. Sorry for the injuries though :(

wordwhore - 2009-05-16 05:37:27
it's so great how our cats enrich our lives, isn't it? studies supposedly show they make us healthier, lower our blood pressure...heh, must be by the (even more) barbaric leeching that their claws inflict! or all the jolts they give our hearts at 2am when they've managed to defy gravity and pull the most expensive and breakable thing off a 10 foot shelf

LannyLee - 2009-05-16 09:46:51
Ouch - I feel your pain, i'm currently nursing a 3" scratch on my leg courtesy of my lovely cat! They do enrich our lives don't they !?!

awittykitty - 2009-05-17 00:33:18
Guardcat lays in wait under my coffee table. 'Nuf said!

Rae - 2009-05-23 21:34:26
Though it's ridiculously easy to forgive them when they get all snuggly again. Mine's asleep with with his face mashed against my foot. "ACK, you !@#$ cat! I'm bleeding again! I hate... oh. Aw, look, he's purring... Who's da best widdle kitty cat...."

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